The Ghaist o Waulkmill Glen
Ane daurken'd nicht, as a bluid Mune rose fu
An ae cauld, eerie blast - wi'oot warnin - cam thro
Ah wis oan thon auld gate thit gangs thro the glen
Whin biddin guid nicht tae the teugh haunts o men
An aye, tis true thit ah'd haen a sowpe or twa
Tho neer tae the point thit ah'd bin proppin up the baur
Sae wi a wee heid oan, ah wis richt tae tak thon gate
Tho neer did ah ken whit unhaly hell lay in wait
Fir tis sayd thit thys laun haed bin curs'd lang ago
An the laird o the glen wha haed bade thair afore
Wis the ghaist wha appear'd tae frichten the weans
Wi blackest velvet cloak, tap hat, an cane
Een rid-rimm'd an black, lik the deepest abyss
An ivry tap o his cane thro thon thick creepin mist
Wuid sen ten tingles up an doon ony man's spine
Frae the haurdiest o men, tae the devoutly inclin'd
As the bricht lichts ahent grew eer faurther awa
Twis then - in thon daurkness - then thit ah saw
A black figure appear, as tall as twa men
Twis nane er thin the ghaist o Waulkmill Glen
Ah gasp'd sic a gasp - fir the tales - thae wir true
As ah stuid - hair oan end - froze in mine shoes
Shuir enouch, his ain een star'd back blacker thin coal
Nae langer wis he jist a story bein told
An as he drew closer, wi each tap o his cane
Ah sweir - in thon daurkness - he did caw ma name
An wi that - ah wis aff - ah did tak tae ma heels
Back doon thon auld gate, an doon past the fields
Syne thon daurken'd nicht, whin the bluid Mune rose fu
Ah'v neer bin back near thon auld gate thit gangs thro
An ah'll gie a sterk warnin tae ony brave men
Treid nae near the haunt o the ghaist o the glen